Rynoh Launches User Interface Redesign

October 11, 2018

RynohLive recently unveiled a redesigned user interface that provides an updated look and feel coupled with select system enhancements.

“When it comes to our software, first and foremost, our top priority is to provide unwavering financial protection for our clients,” said Mary Gomez, RynohLive’s president and chief operating officer. “Not far behind is our priority to provide an intuitive, easy-to-navigate, and attractive platform for them to access this invaluable service. The team here takes these priorities very seriously and remains firmly focused on delivering for our clients.”

RynohLive reported that the new interface also runs on more robust servers with expanded memory and powerful processors to ensure optimal performance.

“It is our sincere desire that all Rynoh users are as pleased with the redesign as we are," said Stephanie Davis, director of operations. “Every page of the user interface was carefully considered throughout the redesign process with our clients’ needs in mind. While this is a huge milestone for us, we are always seeking new ways to improve, and we will continue to take all user suggestions into consideration for further development.” 

Users have the option to continue using “Classic RynohLive” through Oct. 31, 2018 if desired. Specified links within the RynohLive user interface are available to redirect users to the former site; however, Rynoh encourages all clients to become familiar with the new look as soon as possible.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].