Remote Online Notary Keeps Deal on Track Despite Sub-zero Temps

February 5, 2019

The use of remote online notary (RON) technology helped get a deal closed in Minnesota despite dangerous weather conditions with wind chill reaching 55 degrees below zero.

Using Notarize’s platform, Redfin, Westcor and TitleOne helped a California homebuyer—who used a Virginia notary—to close on their home less than a month after Minnesota’s remote online notarization law went into effect.

“We’ve been fortunate enough to join forces with some amazing partners like TitleOne and Redfin Mortgage who are ushering in online closings across the country,” said Notarize CEO Pat Kinsel. “Doing the first online closing in Minnesota is just another step toward our vision of anyone using their phone or laptop to close on the home of their dreams, no matter where they are.”

News organizations in Minnesota reported that plows were breaking down as snowfall and icy conditions hindered travel. Any paper closing packet would have been delayed with postal delivery services being cancelled. The compounded effect of this would mean that the loan would have taken longer to reach the secondary market, delaying the home closing by a week or more. The use of RON kept the closing process moving forward.

“In weather situations like this, e-closings are the only way a home can be closed on,” said Kevin Leurig, a Redfin mortgage senior closing agent. “In northern states, title companies can now be productive in the winter, and even better, homeowners and buyers can close where and when they want to. It’s true convenience in the 21st century.”

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].