Alert: Spoofed Membership Email Appears to Come from ALTA

May 23, 2019

ALTA is alerting its members to delete a phishing email that appears to come from the association and has the subject line “Changes & Updates to Member Directory.”

The email, which appears to come from the American Land Title Association, asks members to review an attachedPDF of the membership directory and ensure the information is correct. ALTA has contacted the company that the sender’s domain is from and also Rackspace--the mail server/ hosting company-where the email was sent from. 

ALTA encourages you delete the email. Do not open the PDF. In addition, you should block the domain of the email or the IP address that it is coming from. Once the scammers catch on, they will likely switch email domains.

You can be sure that your information is safe. This is a phishing email and our system was not breached.

Thank you,

The ALTA Staff

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].