Tohickon Settlement Services Celebrates Red Nose Day

May 23, 2019

Staff at Tohickon Settlement Services in New Hope, Pa., donned a brilliant fashion accessory in support of Red Nose Day on May 23.

Since its debut in 2015, Red Nose Day has raised nearly $150 million and impacted more than 16 million children in the United States and around the world by funding initiatives to keep children safe, healthy and educated.

This year’s national campaign kicked off April 22. Groups and individuals of all ages in offices, schools, churches, stores, on the street and “all around the town are topping up their proboscises to bring awareness to the deep damage child poverty does to societies and to garner financial support for the mission.

“Child poverty bars too many children in our country and around the world from realizing their full potential for health, happiness and success,” said Brendan Nolan, president and CEO of Tohickon Settlement Services. “If wearing a red nose for one day can help raise awareness and funds for this ambitious and much needed initiative, we’re all for it.”

Tohickon also put its best nose forward with a donation of $2,500 to the campaign.

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