Rynoh Satisfies Microsoft Development Competency Requirements

May 30, 2019

RynohLive announced it has satisfied the requirements to achieve the Microsoft Silver Application Development Competency.

Microsoft’s Silver Application Development Competency highlights organizations and companies that exhibit expertise in providing development solutions on an enterprise-proven or hybrid cloud platform.

“Rynoh takes pride in providing best-in-class solutions for our clients, and earning this designation from Microsoft demonstrates our team’s proven expertise in doing so,” said Matt Field, director of security and product development. “As cloud-based solutions continue to become a widely-adopted standard within the real estate settlement services industry, our team is dedicated to the ongoing development and continuous improvement of cloud-based solutions that cater to our clients’ preferences as they evolve.”

To achieve Microsoft’s Silver Application Development Competency, partners must demonstrate their ability and strategic thinking by adhering to Microsoft’s performance requirements, passing an application development-based exam, and providing proof of successful implementations and client satisfaction through client references.

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