ProcessFast Deploys RamQuest-specific Version of Ops Insights Platform

February 20, 2020

Technology developer ProcessFast has released a new version of its Ops Insights platform developed specifically for title agencies using RamQuest’s production technology.

Ops Insights is ProcessFast’s business intelligence (BI) and report delivery platform for title agencies. Agents using RamQuest will now have access to new Ops Insights features to help manage information within their own operations. The advanced reporting of the platform is designed to give agents greater insight into business shifts and compare them to industry trends.

Ops Insights users will now be able to monitor new and old client order count by activating KPI alerts. They also have access to an improved vendor manager’s scorecard based upon new Service Level Agreement/Turn Around Time (SLA/TAT) specific reporting and can now directly inform joint venture partners through their own dashboards.

“Being data driven ourselves, we’ve measured how clients use our system and the value they receive from a variety of quantitative and qualitative measures. As we’ve done this, one thing became increasingly clear. The more people in the organization using Ops Insights, the more value our clients receive," said Brad Stancel, CEO of ProcessFast. “Our philosophy is to ensure the tangible value that our clients receive from our solution far outweighs the cost. Doing so is just good business and will ensure satisfied Ops Insights clients for a long time to come.”

Agencies new to RamQuest can now be onboarded within hours of implementation. Other new or enhanced functions include the added ability to share reports faster and more efficiently outside of the organization via Excel, CSV or branded PDFs. Finally, Ops Insights enables more ability to control and handle data with enhanced filter criteria.

“We’re excited about the ability that the Ops Insights platform enhancements will give RamQuest customers. It’s always a win when our customers can increase visibility into their business,” said Ben Cork, chief strategy officer at RamQuest.

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