Breaking News: Mark Calabria to Headline ALTA Advocacy Summit

March 4, 2020

Hurry - Early Bird Rate Ends March 23!

 If you’ve been thinking about attending ALTA Advocacy Summit, let us give you a little extra incentive: FHFA Director Mark Calabria will headline the event, scheduled for May 11-13 in Washington, D.C. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac watchdog will get you excited to meet with your legislators on Capitol Hill. And don’t forget: Register by March 23 to grab your Early Bird discount and save $100!

As President Trump's administration moves to take Fannie and Freddie out of conservatorship, Bloomberg Businessweek calls Dr. Calabria “one of Wall Street’s most powerful and closely watched regulators.” The fate of a $5 trillion mortgage bond market as well as affordable 30-year mortgages hinge on the decisions he makes in the coming months. Dr. Calabria has a long history as an economic policy expert. Prior to joining the FHFA, he was the chief economist for V.P. Mike Pence as well as director of financial regulation studies at the Cato Institute.

During Advocacy Summit, you’ll get the inside scoop on D.C. politics, hear from federal leaders like Dr. Calabria and meet with several members of Congress and their staffs. This event provides the only opportunity you’ll get to join hundreds of your title industry peers to speak with D.C. legislators in person!

ALTA Advocacy Summit
May 11-13, 2020
The Conrad Hotel
Washington, D.C.

Register Today

Claire Mitchell can help you find the best sponsorship and vendor opportunities for your budget! Contact her today to get the company exposure you’re looking for.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].