Celebrate Creativity with ALTA’s Title Webbie Awards

July 7, 2020

New #GoodDeeds Award Up for Grabs

Get in on ALTA’s 2020 awards action! Submit your company’s website or social media campaign for a Title Webbie Award and be recognized for your creativity! For the third year, ALTA will bestow Title Webbies on member companies that have built or redesigned the best title industry consumer-facing website or launched an original social media campaign within the past year.

New this year is the #GoodDeeds Award, which highlights a member company’s connection to its community via a social media campaign. Campaign goals can include increasing awareness or inspiring action for a local charity or cause; or highlighting charitable work, including fundraisers for research/support, food banks and other philanthropic events that lead to a positive outcome for the community. (For examples of some awesome #GoodDeeds, see the ALTA blog.) The other two awards recognize the best website by a title agency and the best website by an underwriter company.

All entries will be judged on:

  • Mobile friendliness
  • Overall user experience 
  • Social-media integration
  • Image/video use
  • Content quality

Click here for the rules.

The nomination deadline is 5 p.m. ET on Aug. 28.

Nominate Your Company Today!

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].