Supporting Agents in a Time of Unprecedented Change Under a New FNF Name

September 17, 2020

Before 2020 became universally known as the year of change, the Agency Operations of Fidelity National Financial already had plans to adapt and innovate. We needed a better way to convey our premier service to our thousands of agents and customers. We wanted an opportunity to refresh and reiterate our commitment to our agents and customers. In fact, we began this initiative internally in February and had planned to announce many aspects of this upgrade, including a change from Fidelity National Title Group to the FNF Family of Companies Agency Operations, in mid-March.

Then, priorities shifted. The pandemic hit and the new, immediate needs of our agents became our focus. Instead of telling people how our hardworking team and resources are indispensable to a modern title operation, we showed them we have what it takes to be their strategic partner. Our mission became making sure our agents had the tools they needed to connect virtually with partners, clients and vendors. We provided clear underwriting guidance, valuable education and training through our FNF LEAD (Leadership through Education, Advancement and Development) program, marketing tools for working remotely and best practices for working in offices. This dedicated and innovative effort was there to meet the needs of our agents during these many challenges.

Now, though the pandemic continues to affect how all business is done, we believe it’s important to push forward. One subtle change you will notice is the change in how we refer to ourselves. In order to better communicate the strong network of underwriters and agent-focused programs and staff we have in place to boost our agents’ success, you will see us as the FNF Family of Companies going forward. It may seem like just a tweak on the surface, but it represents much more. 

Alamo Title, Chicago Title, Commonwealth Land Title and Fidelity National Title are the largest family of title companies and underwriters in the nation. This family of trusted brand names remain in place and all of us at FNF believe it’s important to keep growing each one of our individual brands to support our individual agents and customers. However, as strong as these companies are individually, collectively, they make up the largest interconnected network of title insurance underwriters and professionals in the country. This is important to us and to our clients. To more specifically reference this national family umbrella better emphasizes the connectivity of our strong underwriters and reaffirms our promise to leverage all the resources of our entire family of companies for the benefit of all our agents and their title operations. After all, a group can represent a varying degree of unity, but family ties always run deep. 

When our team announced the new name internally, I highlighted that our companies are a strong network of industry professionals offering the best education, training, support and underwriting in the country. The last few months have been tangible proof of that. I could not be more impressed—and grateful—for the effort and leadership of every single member of our family during this time. When we started this process, we had no idea a period of reinvention was on the horizon for all of us.

In a way, it’s poetic. We planned for the name change to be a jumping off point for a new campaign highlighting a fresh and innovative approach from an already trusted provider. The message was going to be interwoven with our “FNF is for You” promise to our agents. Before this push could even begin though, our teams went out and put these words in action because it was what was needed to get the job done. Talk about actions speaking louder than words!

We will never stop working with and providing for our agents. The FNF Family of Companies is invested in the growth and development of our agents. No matter how the market changes, we are the partner to lean on to stay competitive and strong in any type of environment.

Steve Day is president of National Agency Operations for the FNF Family of Companies. He can be reached at [email protected].

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