CFPB Rescinds MSA Bulletin, Releases RESPA FAQs

October 7, 2020

In a blog post, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced it has rescinded the 2015 marketing services agreements (MSA) compliance bulletin citing lack of regulatory clarity on how to comply with RESPA Section 8.

While it is withdrawing the bulletin, the bureau said it does not mean MSAs are presumptively legal.

“Instead, whether a particular MSA violates RESPA Section 8 will depend on specific facts and circumstances, including how the MSA is structured and implemented,” the CFPB wrote.

"This move highlights that title and settlement professionals need to be on their toes when analyzing marketing services agreements," said ALTA CEO Diane Tomb. "Section 8 of RESPA can be confusing and lacks clarity. We appreciate the bureau’s effort to produce compliance materials to help the industry work through these issues with specific fact patterns."

In addition to pulling the bulletin, the bureau issued a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide an overview of the provisions in RESPA Section 8 (and the respective sections in Regulation X). They address the application of these provisions to gifts and promotional activities and also to MSAs. Here are the four FAQs addressing MSAs and RESPA Section 8:

What are marketing services agreements?

Marketing services agreements, or “MSAs,” are agreements that commonly involve an arrangement where one person (or entity) agrees to market or promote the services of another and receives compensation in return. MSAs may involve only settlement service providers or may also involve third parties who are not settlement service providers. For example, an MSA exists when a mortgage loan originator agrees to market or promote the services of a real estate agent in return for compensation.

A lawful MSA is an agreement for the performance of marketing services where the payments under the MSA are reasonably related to the value of services actually performed. 12 USC § 2607(c)(2); 12 CFR § 1024.14(g)(1)(iv). This is distinguished from an MSA that—whether oral, written, or indicated by a course of conduct, and looking to both how the MSA is structured and how it is implemented—involves an agreement for referrals. Unlike referrals, as described in RESPA Section 8: Marketing Services Agreement FAQ 2, below, marketing services are compensable services under RESPA. 12 CFR § 1024.14(b) and (g)(2).

Moreover, when a person performing settlement services receives payment for performing marketing services as part of a real estate transaction, the marketing services must be actual, necessary, and distinct from the primary services performed by the person. These marketing services cannot be nominal, and the payments cannot be for a duplicative charge or referrals. 12 CFR § 1024.14(b), (c), and (g)(3).

What is the distinction between referrals and marketing services for purposes of analyzing MSAs under RESPA Section 8?

Whether a particular activity is a referral or a marketing service is a fact-specific question for purposes of the analysis under RESPA Section 8(a).

As discussed in RESPA Section 8(a) FAQ 1, referrals include any oral or written action directed to a person where the action has the effect of affirmatively influencing the selection of a particular provider of settlement services or business incident thereto by a person paying a charge attributable to the service or business. 12 CFR § 1024.14(f)(1). For example, referrals include a settlement service provider directly handing clients the contact information of another settlement service provider that happens to result in the client using that other settlement service provider.

In contrast, a marketing service is not directed to a person; rather, it is generally targeted at a wide audience. For example, placing advertisements for a settlement service provider in widely circulated media (e.g., a newspaper, a trade publication, or a website) is a marketing service.

MSAs that involve payments for referrals are prohibited under RESPA Section 8(a), whereas MSAs that involve payments for marketing services may be permitted under RESPA Section 8(c)(2), based on the facts and circumstances of the structure and implementation. More information on this analysis is discussed in RESPA Section 8: Marketing Services Agreement FAQ 3 and FAQ 4, below.

How do the provisions of RESPA Section 8 apply when analyzing whether an MSA is lawful?

Entering into, performing services under, and making payments under MSAs are not, by themselves, prohibited acts under RESPA or Regulation X. In fact, MSAs are not referenced in RESPA or Regulation X. Ultimately, the determination of whether an MSA itself or the payments or conduct under an MSA is lawful depends on whether it violates the prohibitions under RESPA Section 8(a) or RESPA Section 8(b), or is permitted under RESPA Section 8(c). The analysis under RESPA Section 8 depends on the facts and circumstances, including the details of the MSA and how it is both structured and implemented. The following describes how specific provisions of RESPA frame that analysis.

Under RESPA Section 8(a), if an MSA involves an agreement or understanding to refer business incident to or part of a settlement service in exchange for a fee, kickback, or thing of value, then the MSA or conduct under the MSA is prohibited. For example, this can include (but is not limited to) agreements structured or implemented to provide payments based on the number of referrals received. For more information about the analysis under RESPA Section 8(a), see RESPA Section 8(a) FAQ 1, above.

Under RESPA Section 8(b), if the MSA serves as a method of splitting charges made or received for real estate settlement services in connection with a federally related mortgage loan, other than for services actually performed, the MSA or the conduct under the MSA is prohibited. MSAs violate RESPA Section 8(b) if they disguise kickbacks by purporting to provide payment for services, but a split charge is paid even though the person receiving the split charge does not actually perform services. Similarly, a violation of RESPA Section 8(b) occurs if the services are performed, but the amount of the split charge exceeds the value of the services performed by the person receiving the split. For more information about the analysis under RESPA Section 8(b), see RESPA Section 8 General FAQ 3, above.

However, under RESPA Section 8(c)(2), if the MSA or conduct under the MSA reflects an agreement for the payment for bona fide salary or compensation or other payment for goods or facilities actually furnished or for services actually performed, the MSA or the conduct is not prohibited. 12 USC § 2607(c)(2); 12 CFR § 1024.14(g)(1)(iv). RESPA Section 8(c)(2) does not apply to MSAs that involve payments for referrals because they are not agreements for marketing services actually performed. However, RESPA Section 8 does not prohibit payments under MSAs if the purported marketing services are actually provided, and if the payments are reasonably related to the market value of the provided services only. Note that under Regulation X, the value of the referral, i.e., any additional business that might be provided by the referral, cannot be taken into consideration when determining whether the payment has a reasonable relationship to the value of the services provided. 12 CFR § 1024.14(g)(2). See also 12 CFR § 1024.14(b).

What are some examples of MSAs prohibited by RESPA Section 8?

As stated previously, an MSA can be lawful under RESPA if it is structured and implemented consistently as an agreement for the performance of actual marketing services and where the payments under the MSA are reasonably related to the value of the services performed. 12 USC § 2607(c)(2); 12 CFR § 1024.14(g)(1)(iv) and (g)(2).

However, as discussed in the FAQs above, MSAs can be unlawful when entered into based on their structure or can become unlawful based on how they are implemented. The Bureau’s Office of Enforcement has identified violations of RESPA Section 8 in investigations that involved the use of oral or written MSAs. An MSA is or can become unlawful if the facts and circumstances show that the MSA as structured, or the parties’ implementation of the MSA—in form or substance, and including as a matter of course of conduct—involves, for example:

  • An agreement to pay for referrals.
  • An agreement to pay for marketing services, but the payment is in excess of the reasonable market value for the services performed.
  • An agreement to pay for marketing services, but either as structured or when implemented, the services are not actually performed, the services are nominal, or the payments are duplicative.
  • An agreement designed or implemented in a way to disguise the payment for kickbacks or split charges.

For example, assume a lender enters into an MSA with a real estate agent that also makes referrals to the lender. The MSA requires the real estate agent to perform marketing services, including deciding on and coordinating direct mail campaigns and media advertising for the lender. However, the real estate agent either does not actually perform the MSA’s identified marketing services or the real estate agent is paid compensation that is in excess of the reasonable market value of those marketing services.

In this scenario, the lender and real estate agent would not meet the standard in RESPA Section 8(c)(2), because the marketing services are not actually provided, or the payments are not reasonably related to the value of the marketing services provided. 12 CFR § 1024.14(g)(1)(iv). Further, if in the example the MSA was structured or implemented as a way for the lender to compensate the real estate agent for client referrals to the lender, the MSA would violate RESPA Section 8(a).

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].