Grab the Lowest Price Ever for HOP Leader Training

October 29, 2020

HOP Leader Training is Now Virtual!

For the first time, ALTA’s Homeowner Outreach Program (HOP) Leader Training will be virtual this year! We have condensed the content to six hours and spread it over two days so you can join from your office – no matter where that is – and still get your work done. Joining us for HOP Leader Training couldn’t be easier – or cheaper. We also are cutting the registration fee to $60! (That is a 70% savings off the in-person event fee and equates to only $10 an hour!)

HOP Leader Training equips you with the tools you need to coach others how to explain the benefits of title insurance to consumers. Just think: If you could easily teach your employees as well as Realtor and lender partners to understand how title insurance works and why it’s important, you would have a whole new team of people talking title!

Additionally, HOP Leader Training teaches you how to utilize the marketing materials ALTA provides to help you gain new customers and grow your market share. And who doesn’t want more clients?

In just SIX HOURS, the training will help you:

  • Position your company in a digital world and reach new customers
  • Effectively engage and inform your employees as well as Realtor and lender customers
  • Captivate your audience from beginning to end
  • Stay within the law
  • Learn the ins and outs of HOP and why the program was developed
  • Discover tips and tricks during a 60-minute HOP presentation

Once training is completed, HOP Leaders are entitled to the following perks:

  • 10% discount to ALTA major meetings
  • Recognition at ALTA events
  • Opportunity to speak at industry events
  • Listed on ALTA website as an official ALTA-trained HOP Leader
  • HOP Leader lapel pin
  • Certificate of leadership

Would you pay $60 and give up six hours to learn how to grow your business?

HOP Leader Training
Nov. 17-18

Register Today


Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].