Title Alliance Celebrates Fresh Approach to Core Values

August 12, 2021

Pennsylvania-based Title Alliance recently unveiled a modernized, achievement-oriented approach to its core values. The guiding document aims to offer fresh insight into the mission and values of the growing, multi-state company.

The revitalized core values result from a months-long process undertaken by Title Alliance leadership to develop pillars for its employees to embrace for them and the company to succeed. The initiative aims to ensure the company’s core values aren’t simply words on paper but intertwined with its operations in a tangible way.

“With the high growth Title Alliance has experienced this year, we wanted to take time to delve into the heart of the company and why we do what we do,” said Lindsay Smith, chief strategy officer of Title Alliance. “The refreshed core values are a new take on what drives us to provide the high level of services we do every day. The process we went through involved deep reflection on what we need to embody to help us all achieve our goals and really get to our ‘why.’ It’s one thing to say your company has integrity, but it’s another to make sure it translates into actual business practice. At Title Alliance, we are committed to leading by example in our actions and to developing a culture and a team with clear expectations of what is expected.”

Here are the company’s new core values:

  • Embrace Positivity: In every situation, you can find both positives and negatives. At Title Alliance, we find the positive in all situations and focus our energies on that positive. 
  • Do the Right Thing: Title Alliance never takes shortcuts, even when no one is watching. We act with integrity.
  • Get it Done: No matter what it takes, at Title Alliance, we get the job done. Everyone pitches in and is committed to finding ways to make things work.
  • Have an Attitude of Gratitude: Acting with gratitude means we are constantly operating from a place of abundance. We openly and often share our appreciation and kindness towards our teams, our clients and our partners.
  • Make People Happy: At the end of the day, our team members should make people happy. Regardless of whether it is a team member or a client, ask yourself “Will this make them happy?” If the answer is yes—you are well on your way to living our core values. If the answer is no and you’ve explored all options, remember to share the why.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].