ALTA ONE to Spotlight Former White House CIO and TV Star

September 14, 2021

ALTA ONE Extends Room Block and Cancellation Deadline

From a worldwide health pandemic to hurricanes and wildfires to unrelenting cyberattacks: Where you may see uncertainty, former White House CIO Theresa Payton sees a future of technology innovation and hope. Payton knows how to transform people and technology to meet shifting and often conflicting priorities. In her session at ALTA ONE, she will discuss her unique perspective on accelerating and reimagining your technology while also keeping your employees, customers and data secure. ALTA ONE will be hosted Oct. 12-15 in New Orleans (with a virtual option, too).

What you see on her hit CBS show, “Hunted,” is what she does in real life: follow the digital tracks of the criminal adversary. Payton will provide a sneak preview into the inner workings of cybercriminal syndicates that are behind some of the largest cybersecurity incidents, including ransomware. Through real life stories, she’ll share how criminals leverage the cloud, blockchain, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, open-source intelligence, 5G, the internet of things and even deep fakes to conduct their tradecraft.

You will walk away from her ALTA ONE session with a list of things you can implement immediately, a blueprint for guarding your work life and personal life against attack. Payton also will give her cybercrime predictions for 2022 and beyond and tell you how to prepare.

Whether you plan on joining us virtually or in person, we want to ensure you feel comfortable—and more importantly, safe—attending ALTA ONE. As we note on the ALTA ONE website, the safety of everyone involved with the event is our primary concern. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic closely and will abide by the local authority’s guidelines and protocols. Fortunately, the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel is up and running and ready for ALTA ONE post-Hurricane Ida.

To accommodate everyone, ALTA ONE is extending both the room block and the cancellation deadline until Sept. 24.

ALTA ONE is your chance to pause and review where you are and where you’re headed. It’s your chance to dive into trends and policies shaping the title industry. And it’s your chance to reconnect with your peers and ignite your passion for what lies ahead. Let’s go ALL IN:

ALL IN for your business.
ALL IN for your customers.
ALL IN for your team.
ALL IN for your future.

Register today for the title industry event that unites us all right when we need connection the most. ALTA ONE offers in-person and virtual networking, CE and CLE credits, amazing inspirational speakers and much, much more.

Oct. 12-15, 2021
Hilton Riverside
New Orleans
(or join us virtually!)

Register Today

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Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].