Show Lenders Your Operation Handles RON Closings
March 9, 2022
With more lenders wanting to save money through e-closings, now is the time for title and settlement companies to showcase their ability to close transactions via remote online notarization (RON).
The ALTA Title & Settlement Agent Registry identifies title and settlement companies that can perform RON closings. This will help mortgage companies identify closing companies that offer this increasingly in-demand service.
Registration in the ALTA Registry is free and membership in ALTA isn’t required. Currently, more than 8,000 title agents, settlement companies and real estate attorneys appear in the database. Closing companies that offer RON are designated with a small icon, making them easy to identify in the ALTA Registry, which is also fully searchable. Title and settlement companies can apply for or update a listing at
Jack Rattikin, co-chair of ALTA’s Registry Committee and president of Fort Worth, Texas-based Rattikin Title Co., encourages title and settlement agents to update their listing in the ALTA Registry so they can get the special icon in their company record and let lenders know they are RON ready.
“Using the ALTA Registry, mortgage lenders can increase accuracy, reduce production expenses, combat fraud and improve compliance,” said Rattikin, who also serves on ALTA’s Board of Governors and chairs the Abstracters and Title Insurance Agents Executive Section.
The RON Icon denotes that a closing company had the ability to perform RON closings, was engaged with one or more GSE-approved vendors for use in performing RON closings and complied with underwriter guidelines and applicable laws and regulations.
Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].