Uniform Law Commission Appoints New Study Committee on Model Marketable Title Act

August 9, 2022

The Executive Committee of the Uniform Law Commission (ULC) recently authorized the appointment of a new Study Committee on Model Marketable Title Act.

The Model Marketable Title Act, which was derived from Article 3 of the Uniform Simplification of Land Transfers Act, was promulgated in 1990 and enacted in one state before being withdrawn as obsolete in 2015. However, about 20 states have marketable title statutes, some of which include provisions from the Model Act. The Model Act extinguishes interests in land that are not found in the root of the title, dated back 30 years from the time that interests must be determined.

This committee will study the need for and feasibility of updating the Model Marketable Title Act.

The ULC provides states with states with non-partisan, drafted legislation that to bring clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law.

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