Texas AG Investigating Home Title Lock for Potentially Misleading Consumers 

January 24, 2023

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is investigating Home Title Lock for potentially violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act by misleading consumers with deceptive statements concerning the prevalence of home title theft and the need for Home Title Lock’s services.    

Home Title Lock is a California-based entity that claims to provide 24/7 monitoring of a consumer’s home title. The company has received scrutiny in recent months over questionable claims in its advertisements, including its claim that the FBI calls home title theft “one of the fastest growing white-collar cyber-crimes in America.” According to news reports, Home Title Lock admitted that it markets to “older customers.”  

To address these concerning reports, Paxton issued a Civil Investigative Demand (CID) to Home Title Lock to investigate whether the company’s claims and advertisements are false, misleading or deceptive. The CID requires Home Title Lock to turn over documents regarding its advertisements and all documents substantiating certain claims.  

“I won’t tolerate false, misleading, or deceptive advertisements targeted to any Texas consumers—especially Texas seniors,” Paxton said. “If Home Title Lock is misrepresenting its services or the need for its services, I will put a stop to its unlawful behavior.”

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