Don't Forget: Help ALTA Tell YOUR Story by Completing the Operations Survey

August 18, 2023

Today is the final day to contribute to ALTA's anonymous, aggregated industry report and help us tell the title insurance industry's story! Benchmarking data is not only invaluable when you want to improve your operations, but also to track industry trends and best practices. Completing the Title Agents and Abstracters Operations Survey also provides ALTA with the data we need to defend our industry and bolster our advocacy efforts. Submit your responses to the Operations Survey by midnight tonight, Aug. 18!  

Make informed, data-driven decisions with the reports and graphs available to you immediately upon completion of the survey. Made possible by Qualia, this tool was created to measure exactly what title agents, abstracters and underwriter direct operations do—and how they do it. 

Key performance metrics include:

  • Staff turnover rate
  • Revenue by product/service type
  • Expenses by category, such as technology
  • Full-time employee productivity levels
  • Total orders received and cancelled

Your responses are anonymous. Check out the User Guide, FAQs and Survey Questions, and if you still have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]. Complete the Operations Survey and turbo-charge your business with actionable insights!

Get Started Today

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].