CloseSimple Launches Integrated Identity Verification and Wire Fraud Solutions

May 22, 2024

CloseSimple unveiled multiple new portal features designed to fight seller impersonation fraud and wire fraud.

Integrated into the CloseSimple portal, these features enable title companies and real estate attorneys to consolidate the consumer closing experience under one platform.

"We all know that wire fraud and seller impersonation fraud continue to run rampant in our industry.” said Paul Stine, CEO and co-founder of CloseSimple. "Over the last two years, we’ve been proving that we can drive consumer engagement through our portal at an unprecedented rate. That engagement is creating an avenue for introducing new and innovative ways to educate buyers throughout the closing process. It’s also creating new opportunities for us to identify fraudulent sellers far earlier in the process.”

“The solutions that CloseSimple has developed have become the first line of defense in our constant fight against seller impersonation fraud.” said Mike Hayden, a CloseSimple customer and assistant vice president at Pioneer Title Agency in Arizona. “We now know within seconds of opening a file if a seller poses a threat, and over the past year the CloseSimple solution has played a big part in successfully identifying multiple bad actors who have attempted to sell properties fraudulently.”

Brett Beckett, vice president of finance and strategy at Independence Title added, “We put this solution through the paces prior to rolling it out and were impressed with the results. CloseSimple continues to help us automate fraud solutions that used to take valuable time away from our escrow teams.”

CloseSimple’s wire fraud and identity verification solutions are now available through integrations with SoftPro, RamQuest and Resware, and featuring the mobile-friendly CloseSimple collaboration portal.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].