Discover the Right Vendors for Your Business

June 18, 2024

Find the Resources You Need in the ALTA Marketplace

The ALTA Marketplace is your one-stop solution to find the right title industry products and services for your business! With this free, easy-to-use tool, you can search for resources by name, field, location and relevance from more than 100 ALTA member companies.

ALTA has updated and enhanced our Marketplace selection criteria to better reflect your evolving needs, ensuring you have access to the best resources available.

In the ALTA Marketplace, companies can be listed as:

  • Elite Providers: Recognized as industry leaders, Elite Providers are listed at the top of the search results. These companies are committed to excellence and uphold the highest industry standards. Elite Providers offer exclusive benefits for ALTA members and typically feature customer references and product and service videos in their profile.
  • Marketplace Premiers: Marketplace Premiers also can feature customer references and product/service videos in their profile.
  • Marketplace Companies: These companies offer products and services relevant to the title industry.

Find what you need in just a few clicks!

Discover the ALTA Marketplace

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