SoftPro Integrates With DomiDocs

June 25, 2024

SoftPro recently released a new integration with DomiDocs Inc. 

SoftPro users can provide homeowners secure digital delivery, permanent cloud-based storage of their closing documents and immediate fraud protection with the DomiDocs Homeowner Enablement Platform. This integration is made possible through the free SoftPro 360 vendor portal that links SoftPro users to a nationwide network of third-party service providers.

“SoftPro is pleased to offer the DomiDocs integration to our customers who are seeking new revenue streams and value-add opportunities for their clients,” said Patrick Hempen, SoftPro’s chief customer officer.

With at-closing and post-closing fraud protection, the DomiDocs platform is designed for daily homeowner use and allows title companies and their partners to stay in front of customers post-transaction. Homeowner licensing includes the premier suite of HomeLock property fraud protection, TrueValueIndex professional grade home valuations and propRtax annual property tax analysis.

"Our products and services are market-fluctuation agnostic,” said William McKenna IV, DomiDocs founder and CEO. “All American homeowners are feeling the financial pinch in this economic environment where homeownership costs have increased 26% since 2020. Our goal is to consolidate down all the homeowners’ business needs into one single management portal of convenience. By uniting all the different technologies, service providers and education, we empower homeowners. This is more than just a tech play. It's an advancement in homeownership.”

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