Is Your ALTA Policy Forms License Active?

September 12, 2024

ALTA’s Policy Forms benefit the entire title industry, not just ALTA members. The ALTA Policy Forms have never been free. The cost of creating, developing and updating the forms has been carried by the membership of ALTA for the entire industry.

Because of this, an active ALTA Policy Forms License is required to legally use and issue ALTA’s copyrighted policy forms. A license is required even if you only issue a few policies per year. 

There are two options to obtain a license:

  1. If your company issued more than 50 title policies in 2023, you must purchase the 2024 ALTA Policy Forms License for $250 or $500, depending on your company’s gross income.
  2. If your company issued 50 or fewer title policies in 2024, you can obtain a limited-use license for $50. ALTA no longer waives the license fee for de minimis use.

Click here to purchase an ALTA Policy Forms License.

Having an ALTA Policy Forms License is not the same as being an ALTA member. An ALTA Policy Forms License is included in an ALTA membership (Dues are based on a company’s gross revenue from title services during the previous year.

  • Click here to learn about membership options and to become an ALTA member.

Check out this Q&A for more information.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].