Settlor Expands Integration With Westcor

September 12, 2024

Settlor expanded its integration with Westcor Land Title Insurance Co. to include policy jackets.

“We are excited to announce that agents can now order and receive Westcor policy jackets without leaving the Settlor software platform,” said Krista Myers, product manager at Settlor. “This expanded relationship builds on the closing protection letter integration already in place, making it easier for users to do business inside the policy dashboard in Settlor. As evidenced by our connection with Westcor, we remain committed to bolstering key partnerships that will further automate transactional steps and establish smart workflows in order to deliver the best experience for Settlor users.”

According to Settlor, the policy number provided by Westcor is added to the policy dashboard and is automatically attached to the policy document when it is created. Then, the jacket from Westcor is automatically prepended to the document. Further, if a policy needs to be voided, this action can also be done seamlessly within Settlor. Westcor will be notified that the policy number is voided, and a new policy jacket can be requested, as needed.

“Our integration with Settlor is the latest in a series of advancements and offerings at Westcor designed to provide agents with intuitive interfaces that help to streamline their day-to-day work,” said Steve Black, a regional manager for Westcor. “We understand the importance of teaming with strategic partners to accomplish our goal of providing the best experience possible for our agents.”

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