ALTA Congratulates Pulte on Confirmation as FHFA Director

March 13, 2025

ALTA commended the U.S. Senate for confirming Bill Pulte by a vote of 56-43 as the new director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).

Pulte, a businessman and philanthropist known for his work in housing and real estate development, will lead the FHFA, which oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as well as the Federal Home Loan Banks, and plays a key role in maintaining the stability of the U.S. housing finance system.

“We look forward to collaborating with Director Pulte and the Trump administration to foster policies that expand homeownership opportunities by reducing regulatory barriers to development and increasing housing supply,” said ALTA CEO Diane Tomb. “As the FHFA takes steps to address the housing shortage, it is essential to remember that title insurance and the work of title professionals secures the integrity of every real estate transaction in America. It protects property rights, reduces risk and ensures confidence in homeownership.”

The FHFA plays a key role in ensuring the safety and soundness of the U.S. housing finance system, and while work is done to address the housing shortage, ALTA will continue to educate the agency staff that title insurance is one of the most essential pillars to reducing risk and is the ultimate safeguard to protecting property rights of homeowners and ensuring the integrity of all real estate transactions.

In February, ALTA sent a letter of support for Pulte to U.S. Sens. Tim Scott, chair of the Committee on Banking, Housing, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and Elizabeth Warren, the committee’s ranking member.

Answering a question from Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) during his confirmation hearing about credit-risk transfers, Pulte said transferring risk from taxpayers to the private market is always a good thing. This is an important point and one with which we agree, as the FHFA’s Title Acceptance Pilot would do the opposite, transferring risk to the GSEs—and ultimately taxpayers—from well reserved, capitalized and regulated title insurance underwriters.

"We believe (Pulte) is committed to working with industry stakeholders, affordable housing advocates and bipartisan policymakers to ensure the safety and soundness of the housing market, as well as to promote access and affordability for every American," ALTA said in its letter.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].