For Immediate Release
ALTA Foundation Provides Emergency Grant Following Vermont Flooding
Washington, DC, July 26, 2023 — The American Land Title Association (ALTA) Good Deeds Foundation, the registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization founded by ALTA, the national trade association of the land title insurance industry, has awarded a $5,000 emergency grant to the Vermont Main Street Flood Relief Fund. The fund provides grants to Vermont’s small business owners who were impacted by severe rainstorms that caused catastrophic flooding earlier this month.
Partnering with Capstone Community Action, the relief fund provides grants in the range of $2,500 to $10,000 to cover costs such as equipment replacement, supplies replenishment and cleanup. Donations made to Capstone are restricted for the sole use of the relief fund to ensure they are used for their intended purpose.
The Foundation Board awarded the emergency grant to aid Vermont’s small business owners with restoration following the flooding.
“Vermont communities were devastated by the recent flooding, including many local small businesses,” said ALTA CEO Diane Tomb. “This emergency grant from the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation will be spent on rebuilding not just the businesses themselves but also the thriving community to which they belong.”
“Many Main Street businesses struggled to survive the pandemic and have now incurred devastating losses from the horrible flooding throughout Vermont,” said Vermont State Treasurer Mike Pieciak. “The generosity of organizations like ALTA Good Deeds Foundation in supporting the Main Street Flood Recovery Fund will be critical to getting businesses across Vermont back on their feet.”
“Our thoughts are with those who lost a loved one or no longer have a home or business,” said Foundation Board Chair Mary O’Donnell, president and CEO of Westcor Land Title Insurance Co. in Maitland, Fla. “In less than three years since the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation was founded, we have awarded $729,000 in grants to 124 community nonprofits in 40 states and the District of Columbia. Because of ALTA members’ support of the Foundation, we are able to help return these communities to their former glory. Good deeds truly do grow communities.”
About the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation
Founded in 2020 by the American Land Title Association, the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Its mission is to support the charitable efforts of title professionals as they work to build and strengthen their local communities and exemplify the title industry’s values of We Lead, We Deliver, We Protect.
About ALTA
The American Land Title Association, founded in 1907, is the national trade association representing the land title insurance industry, which employs more than 120,000 people working in every county in the United States.
Contact: Megan Hernandez
Office: 202-261-0315
Email: [email protected]