LTI Educational Videos Half Price

January 23, 2008

Take advantage of LTI's 50% off VHS Inventory Blow Out Sale through February 15, 2008! LTI is discontinuing the VHS format, and as a result, all VHS educational videos have been significantly reduced. Save money in 2008 and stock up now while supplies last! This sale is applicable only to VHS purchases and is not available in CD-ROM/DVD format.

Sale Titles Available on VHS:
(Prices listed below reflect 50% discount)

ALTA Member Non-member
Title Sale Price Sale Price

The Principles of Title Searching $23 $38
The Need for Land Title Services $23 $38
Claims Awareness $23 $38
Effective Employee Training for Different Size Offices $18 $33
This Land Is My Land, That Land Is Your Land* $70 $95
Behind the Scenes: A Look at the Settlement Process* $33 $48
Closing Real Estate Transactions: Problem Solving HUD-1* $33 $48
(*Includes workbooks and printed materials)

How to Purchase:

To purchase the VHS tapes at 50% off, please send a check payable to The Land Title Institute, Inc. Indicate which videos you are purchasing and where to mail them. Mail your check to: The Land Title Institute, Inc. 1828 L Street, NW, Ste. 705 Washington, DC 20036

Or, call Kevin Russell, 800-787-2582 ext. 232 to purchase using a credit card.

Sale orders are not available via the Internet/ALTA Store.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].