Where Can You Get CE/CLE, Hear a Rapper and Braindate?

February 28, 2018

Only at 2018 ALTA SPRINGBOARD in Atlanta

Yeah, you read that right. Attend 2018 ALTA SPRINGBOARD and you’ll get to experience Braindating—where you can curate your own conference experience and meet one-on-one with other attendees—and hear Atlanta-based rapper Brandon Blue perform a self-written song about the title industry.

Plus, you can earn four to six CE or CLE credits in 17 states including Georgia, Florida, Tennessee and Alabama. Applications are pending in many other states. See what’s available in your state.

Credits can be earned from each Ideas Festival/Knowledge Community. Check out the schedule, find out what will be discussed and register!

Register Today!

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or communications@alta.org.