ALTA Insights: What to Know About FTC’s Ban of Non-competes

June 20, 2024

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a sweeping rule that bans enforcement of and execution of new non-competes with all workers, with limited exceptions. This new regulation, which is expected to go into effect Sept. 4, 2024, barring a successful legal challenge before then, will have a significant impact on the title industry as these contract clauses are used throughout the country. Register for this SoftPro-sponsored ALTA Insights webinar to learn what your company should be doing to comply with the rule.

This webinar will discuss:

  • What is a non-compete
  • Types of employees the rule covers
  • Exceptions Alternatives to non-competes
  • What should companies be doing


  • Risa Boerner | Partner | Fisher & Phillips LLP


  • 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET, Aug. 14

Register Today

CE/CLE is not available for this webinar.

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